Debate Formats

Most of these were invented by Ben Brown, some are standard formats used in other leagues.


Prep: 5 min

1AC: 2

CX: 1

1NC: 2


2AC: 2

2NC: 2

AR: 2

NR: 2

Coolidge 1 v 1 Format

1AC: 5

CX: 2

1NC: 5

CX: 2

2AC: 3

2NC: 3

AR: 4

NR: 4


Prep: 15

AC: 5

Flex: 2

NC: 6

Flex: 2

1AR: 3

NR: 5

2AR: 3

2 v 2 Parliamentary (Stoa)

Prep: 20 min

PMC: 7

LOC: 7

MGC: 7

MOC: 7

LOR: 5

PMR: 5

Individual Policy:

AC: 8

CX: 3

NC: 10

CX: 3

1AR: 5

NR: 6

2AR: 3

4 minutes of prep per side


Prep: 0

AC: 1

NC: 1

1AR: 1

NR: 2

2AR: 1

Neg debater may not listen to AC. Judge or appointed spectator will flow the AC in detail, and the neg debater will be given the flow and resolution simultaneously

Written Debate:

AC: 25 words

NC: 35 words

1AR: 20 words

NR: 25 words

2AR: 15 words

Presidential Debate Anarchy

Prep: 0

Both debaters speak/argue simultaneously: 5

Club Debate

Layout a format with an equal number of speech and cross examinations. The number of speeches plus CXs should equal at least the number of people participating. For example, if there are 12 people participating, the format would look like this:


The parenthesis would represent a CX, and the speeches alternate aff neg. List the names of everyone in the room in a particular order and write it down. This will be the order each person speaks or crosses. One minute prep before the round, no prep during.